A two-phased project, first developing a forward-looking piece of printed communication that details significant change in the company portfolio, and secondly a complementary annual report for the year passed.
To differentiate the forward-facing content from the annual report two documents were created, a tabloid-style paper and A4 annual report, bound by a belly band. The large format paper pays homage to the company’s incredible heritage and encourages current and prospective shareholders to ‘read all about it’ with easy to digest articles and infographics.
The two documents, developed and written in an easy-to-understand way, assisted what could have a quite complex array of information into an easily digestible set of elements. The bold graphics and illustrations, accompanied by the unique format, enhanced the reading experience and ensured any level of investor and stakeholder could extract enough information to satisfy their needs.
Designed while at Fluid, 2015.
< Work.